
Showing posts from December, 2014

God and Santa Claus

When I was a kid I believed in Santa Claus and God.  Everything was simple and made sense. God made the world and Santa Claus brought the toys. Then one day I found out there was no Santa Claus. It was merely a trick parents played on their kids to bring them joy and magic at Christmas time. You would think finding that out at age 6 might be traumatic, but my reaction was more like 'Ok, it figures.' But I have to say, that event, of finding out that there was no 'magic' in this world and that everything had a logical explanation pretty much set the course for the rest of my life.  Some time afterwards, I said to myself, if there is no Santa Claus, then why should there be a God as mentioned in the Christian Bible? I mean think about it, Santa brings toys to the good kids and coal  to the bad ones, and God sends you to heaven if you're good and hell if you're bad.  Really?  I might fall for that as a kid, but as an adult? I'm sorry but I just can't fall f

Freakin Animals, Thats What We Are.

I don't worry so much anymore about the terrible things that men do to each other. As a musician, I often get into the lofty ideals for peace and love that many songs aspire to. When I see a terrible injustice, someone blowing up a building and killing innocents, a bomb taking out a terrorist and killing women and children in the process, or ISIS beheading a poor guy in an orange suit on his knees, or six million Jews killed by Hitler, the list goes on and on. When I see that I often wonder, how can mankind be so evil? How can we do such terrible things?  Why can't we all hold hands, sing Kumbaya and just get along?  Well the answer is simple, stupid. The reason is simply because humans are animals. Forget about all this crap spewed by philosophers or religion that we are different from other animals because we have established abstract concepts of morality, empathy, and such. All that abstract lovey dovey stuff goes against our nature and the nature of the universe which is ki