Which is my Favorite Beatle?
Before I answer that I'll give you a clue as to why it is who it is. If you are into music and know how some of the Beatles songs were written, you will know the answer. Here are among my favorite Beatles songs: I am the Walrus A Day in the Life Strawberry Fields Baby You're a Rich Man Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except for me and my Monkey Dear Prudence I'm so Tired Revolution Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds In My Life And You're Bird Can Sing Across the Universe Ticket to Ride Nowhere Man Hey Bulldog That should tell you who it is. So if you guessed John Lennon you're right. Those are all John songs. A trick to know who wrote which Beatles song is by who sings it. Whomever sings it almost always mostly wrote it. But here's the thing. I know that Paul is the more musically talented of the two. And Paul has written quite a few masterpieces like Yesterday, Blackbird, Elanor Rigby, Hey Jude, Let it Be, We Can Work It Out, just to name a few. But there...