Freakin Animals, Thats What We Are.

I don't worry so much anymore about the terrible things that men do to each other. As a musician, I often get into the lofty ideals for peace and love that many songs aspire to. When I see a terrible injustice, someone blowing up a building and killing innocents, a bomb taking out a terrorist and killing women and children in the process, or ISIS beheading a poor guy in an orange suit on his knees, or six million Jews killed by Hitler, the list goes on and on. When I see that I often wonder, how can mankind be so evil? How can we do such terrible things?  Why can't we all hold hands, sing Kumbaya and just get along?  Well the answer is simple, stupid. The reason is simply because humans are animals. Forget about all this crap spewed by philosophers or religion that we are different from other animals because we have established abstract concepts of morality, empathy, and such. All that abstract lovey dovey stuff goes against our nature and the nature of the universe which is kill or be killed. The universe and the formation of life is the story of violence, of super nova explosions that created the elements which make life possible, of life forming and fighting to survive in hostile environments, and of the survival of the fittest.  You see it clearly when animals are in their natural habitat. Its eat or be eaten. 

Am I justifying violence and saying that its OK? No I am not. The story of humanity is that of a species that evolved to the point where it has developed the abstract concepts of morality and empathy that may one day take us to a world where men truly live by the rule of the brilliant song 'Imagine' by John Lennon. But until we get there, don't be surprised by the righteous killers and savages out there who do terrible things in the name of this or that. They are merely reminding us of what we are. Freakin Animals, that's what we are.
