
Showing posts from August, 2008

Did the Surge Work?

Lets think about this. Did sending 30k additional troops to a country of 27 million bring about the recent reductions in violence? Well, when the bombs were going off every day in Iraq, it was said that the only way to achieve peace was thru political means, not military means. And what happened in 2007? The Sunnis starting shooting at AlQueda instead of us (the so called Sunni Awakening) Al Sadr signed a ceasy fire silencing the Shiite Militias So you tell me - was it the 2 things above or was it the surge that reduced the violence? Oh, you say the surge enabled those 2 things to happen. Well, I go back to logic. You tell me that 30k troops in a country of 27 million can make that difference. I support our troops. But I don't think the surge could have had much of an effect.

W's Legacy

The past seven and a half years have been like a nightmare and soon it will all be over. Irregardless of whether McCain or Obama win, the main point to rejoice about is that soon we will be rid of the most ignorant president this country has ever had. Here is the legacy of the W era. The suppression of scientific reasoning. Bush's denial of global warming will be one of his greatest follies. The suppression of stem cell research. The rise of 'intelligent design' theories and attempts to teach creationism in science classes at school. The attack on the environment. Removing the US from the Kyoto Accord. Repeal of the Clean Water Act. Removing federal land from National Park protection. Loading the EPA with former business executives who have done all they can do favor business at the expense of the environment. Softening up laws to increase gas mileage. Intollerance of opposing points of view. Questioning the patriotism of people who disagree with the Iraq war. Lab