W's Legacy

The past seven and a half years have been like a nightmare and soon it will all be over. Irregardless of whether McCain or Obama win, the main point to rejoice about is that soon we will be rid of the most ignorant president this country has ever had. Here is the legacy of the W era.
  1. The suppression of scientific reasoning. Bush's denial of global warming will be one of his greatest follies. The suppression of stem cell research. The rise of 'intelligent design' theories and attempts to teach creationism in science classes at school.
  2. The attack on the environment. Removing the US from the Kyoto Accord. Repeal of the Clean Water Act. Removing federal land from National Park protection. Loading the EPA with former business executives who have done all they can do favor business at the expense of the environment. Softening up laws to increase gas mileage.
  3. Intollerance of opposing points of view. Questioning the patriotism of people who disagree with the Iraq war. Labelling them as 'cut and run'.
  4. Vile campaign tactics. This brought to you curtesy of the evil and vile Karl Rove. The use of Joe McCarthy low ball attacks on oponents such as the attacks on John McCain in the 2000 campaign. The swiftboating of John Kerry in 2004, a war hero.
  5. Fearmongering and lying. Insinuating that if Democrats are elected, terrorism will rise. Using 911 as an excuse to go to war.
  6. Taking the country to war on false allegations. That Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. That the Iraq war had something to do with 911 by calling it 'the war on terror'. Lying that Iraq was threatening our national security.
  7. Destroying the reputation of the United States of America. By going it alone starting wars based on falsehoods. By torturing prisoners. By holding people as prisoners in foreign lands and striping them of their rights. By putting the United States essentially at odds with our former European allies. Settong us back in US-Arab relations by decades by invading Iraq, not doing enough to promote Israeli-Palentinian peace and by the Abu-Graib scandal.
  8. Undermining US citizen's rights. By illegal spying and wiretapping of US citizens. By unsing 911 as an excuse to undermine our rights to privacy.
  9. Enrichment of Big Oil and Haliburton. By starting a war that has increased the profits of Dick Cheney's Haliburton thus making millions for all his ex buddies at Haliburton, some of which Tricky Dick will collect. By doing nothing to promote oil conservation and dependence such that Exon made 40 billion in profits in 2006. No doubt W and his oil executive buddies will collect on this.
  10. Destroying the US budget and increasing the national debt to outrageous new heights. This is his gift to our children.
  11. Letting our financial system go to pot. Letting Wall Street go rampant selling instrumants backed by junk mortgages.
  12. Doing nothing to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. How could he. This would be bad for his oil executive and Saudi buddies.
  13. Doing nothing to increase our security against terrorism at home. Not catching Bin Laden. Losing focus on war on terror by invading Iraq. Not realizing that you fight terror using covert CIA tactics to bust up terrorist cells instead of starting conventional wars against dictators.

Good ridance W - dont let the door hit your ass on your way out - you ignorant, dumb ass son of a bitch. And to the dumb asses who voted for you, I say - I told you in 1999 he would screw things up - I just had no idea it would be this bad.
