
Showing posts from June, 2005

Iraq = Vietnam

It has been 2.5 years since the end of the 'official' Iraq war. Tonight Mr Bush Jr went on TV to give a rah rah speech to the American public about how noble our cause is and how we must persevere and win the war against the 'terrorists'. President Bush is learning how fickle the American public is. Less than a year ago he narrowly won re-election (a 51% majority vs 48% for Kerry), and now the public grows weary of a war that kills on average 700 American soldiers each year. Not much compared to Vietnam but enough for Bush to see his slim 51% majority hold turn into a minority. Remember Vietnam? We were there to spread Democracy against the evil communists that were going to take over the world (the domino theory). We would leave once South Vietnam could take over the war and defend itself (remember Vietnamization?) Lets compare to Iraq: We are there to spread democracy to the Middle East, which will cause the demise of the 'evildoing terrorists'. And now for t

Dubya and the After Life

When Carl Bernstein was interviewing George W Bush for his book, 'Drumbeat to War', he asked Bush what he thought his legacy would be concerning the Iraq war. Bush replied something to the effect, 'it doesn't matter, we'll all be dead.' So we have a president who doesn't care about his legacy. So it doesn't matter if he screws up! The thing about his comment that perplexes me is that Bush, supposedly being a devout born-again Christian, has to believe in an after life. So why does he not care about his legacy? After all, in the after life he will be able to see what kind of legacy he left behind. Or maybe he let it slip that he doesn't believe in an after life, in which case that makes him a complete hypocrite. Either I'm missing something here, or he's as dumb and mixed up as I think he is.

Hello World

This is my first blog entry. Why does JoseB, a person who does not really fancy himself a writer, start a blog? Well, several reasons. First of all I have a lot of things I need to get off my chest. I really think a blog will help me to release some frustration about things that bother me. And lately a lot is bothering me. Secondly, it will be a record that will hang around (hopefully) after I am dead and gone  that will be read and perhaps even enjoyed by those to come. At the very least I think my future family may be interested in knowing about the trials and tribulations of their great-grandfather? I know I would be if I could read diaries by my ancestors. Lastly, I have a hard time expressing my feeling directly to people - especially to family members. Don't know why, but that's just the way it is. So this will be my outlet to talk about things I normally wouldn't. Its a lot easier to write down your feelings than to explain them to somebody. Especially when you are n