Dubya and the After Life

When Carl Bernstein was interviewing George W Bush for his book, 'Drumbeat to War', he asked Bush what he thought his legacy would be concerning the Iraq war. Bush replied something to the effect, 'it doesn't matter, we'll all be dead.' So we have a president who doesn't care about his legacy. So it doesn't matter if he screws up! The thing about his comment that perplexes me is that Bush, supposedly being a devout born-again Christian, has to believe in an after life. So why does he not care about his legacy? After all, in the after life he will be able to see what kind of legacy he left behind. Or maybe he let it slip that he doesn't believe in an after life, in which case that makes him a complete hypocrite. Either I'm missing something here, or he's as dumb and mixed up as I think he is.
