Hello World

This is my first blog entry. Why does JoseB, a person who does not really fancy himself a writer, start a blog? Well, several reasons. First of all I have a lot of things I need to get off my chest. I really think a blog will help me to release some frustration about things that bother me. And lately a lot is bothering me. Secondly, it will be a record that will hang around (hopefully) after I am dead and gone  that will be read and perhaps even enjoyed by those to come. At the very least I think my future family may be interested in knowing about the trials and tribulations of their great-grandfather? I know I would be if I could read diaries by my ancestors. Lastly, I have a hard time expressing my feeling directly to people - especially to family members. Don't know why, but that's just the way it is. So this will be my outlet to talk about things I normally wouldn't. Its a lot easier to write down your feelings than to explain them to somebody. Especially when you are not a touchy feelly kind of guy... That's all for now... lets see what I will rant and rave about next.
