
Showing posts from June, 2008

Sad Day

Yesterday was a sad day. Tim Russert, one of the best political reporters passed away very unexpectedly. He was one of the few out there that was objective and did not participate in sensationalized overblown reporting. But here at our house, the baby bird that Rebeca found under the palm tree alomost 2 weeks ago died. It was unexpected as he was eating well and growing, then the day before yesterday he stopped eating and died the next day. Rebeca was at Josefina's house when it died so I had to tell her the sad news when I picked her up. Rebe just sat there quitely in the car and her big eyes got red, filled with tears and she whimpered softly. I have to say I was proud of the way she handled it. She cried for about 10 minuts and then she held my hand and spoke about the bird and wondered about things. About why he died, whether we will see him again when we die. She was told by someone that animals and people go to seperate heavens. I assured her that was not the case.