
Showing posts from June, 2007

Iraq almost = Vietnam

It has been about 2 years since my last post. Unfortunately everything I said about this stupid Iraq war has turned out to be true. It has truly turned into a quagmire very much like Vietnam. With one notable exception. About a month ago there was a drive to raise food and supplies for the troops in Iraq where I work. Large boxes were placed at the entrances to work for people to drop in canned goods and anything else for the troops. To my surprise those boxes were always empty. I checked them from time to time and I tell you, no one donated anything. I have a theory as to why no one cares and it leads to the one major difference between the Iraq war and the Vietname war. In the Vietnam war we had the draft and the soldiers dying were the young kids of middle classes parents all across America, many of them college educated people. That is why the public support for the war was so low, given that our soldiers were dying for a questionable cause. The war was affecting a signifi