Trump Finally Tells the Truth

Last week as usual Trump said some crazy things. He said that our dead servicemen are 'suckers and losers' and that the pentagon wants to 'make war to keep the companies that make bombs happy.'  Well, for once, he was right about the following two things:

Some of our dead servicemen are suckers.

Why do I say this? Think about the Vietnam war. Fifty-two thousand died there for what? They were told they were going to save the world from communism and that was a lie. Look at what happened to communism. It has failed on its own without needing to fight a war. Look at how now we do business with Vietnam and are friendly with them. That proves there was no need to fight that war. Those soldiers died in vain, so yes, you could call them suckers. But it wasn't their fault. THEY WERE LIED TO. AND THEY ARE NOT LOSERS. And that goes for all who died in the 2nd Gulf War to get rid of Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction - oops there were none! The 4.5 thousand who died there were lied to and they are suckers too. But not losers, they have more honor and integrity than Trump or George W Bush ever will have.

The pentagon wants to 'make war to keep the companies that make bombs happy.'

This is a fact. If you think for one minute that huge defense contractors like Lockheed, Boeing, Grumman and Halliburton don't benefit from war and therefore don't like war, then you are very naive. They love war. They make billions of dollars off war. Those executives hear 'ka-ching' every time there is talk of war and their stock goes up. Think about Dick Cheney, former Halliburton CEO who led this country into the completely stupid and useless 2nd Gulf War. Do you think for one minute Dick Cheney was not thinking of all his buddies over at Halliburton?  This is a very liberal statement by Trump by the way. But we all know the right wingers will forgive anything Trump says.

Once in a very long while, Trump tells the truth.
