If Trump Loses, the Nightmare's Not Over


Trump is the head of a cult. Some of his supporters worship him the same way others looked up to David Karesh and Jim Jones. They have drunk the Kool-Aid and are convinced he is the savior of the United States. They will follow him to the gates of hell and this is not good.

If Trump loses I predict these dire things...

Trump will declare that the elections were rigged, that there was voter fraud and the results invalid. He will do this to get his base all riled up to sow chaos and make the transition to Biden as horrible as possible.

Trump's militia (those who ride in the big trucks and carry AR-15 assault weapons), will organize and ride around claiming the election was false and inciting riots before and even during the inauguration. We will see much more violent protests than we are seeing now.  His militia is itching for a fight with anybody who opposes them.

Trump will not attend the Biden inauguration. He will goad his followers to resist and not acknowledge Biden as the new President.

After he is out of the White House, Trump will live off the money and adulation of his followers. He will continue to hold rallies and fundraisers for his MAGA movement. That will be his new income stream to help pay for his failing hotels and resorts during this pandemic. Trump will even suggest they form their own separate state using his 'code language' where he implies it but does not say it outright. His followers will get the message and they will incite violence.

I hope I am wrong but I think its going to get ugly. Trump's loyal base is very fervent, like a religion they believe they are on a mission to save the white race and the USA. They yearn for the 'good old days' before the 1960's when anyone who was not white 'knew their place'. 

The violence I fear is not from the left BLM movement nor Antifa - its the Trump Right Wing militias.
