It's Our Fault We Are Divided.

Its not Trump dividing us - its us. 

Its us getting our news from sources that feed the hatred and paranoia about the other side. For example, I'm talking about right-wing news sources that say protesters are all hooligans. I'm talking about left-wing news sources that say Federal troops are all beating up protesters. I'm talking about FOX, MSNBC, Hannity, Carlson, Limbaugh, Maddow, O'Donnell, etc... The list goes on. They spew poison and like brainwashed zombies, we eat it up. 

There is no black and white. The truth is not that easy to get at. It takes work. Everything is always complicated and colored in shades of grey that need to be studied to get at the truth. But we are not willing to put forth that effort. We are lazy. We'd rather get spoon fed lies by a talking head that fits our prejudiced narrative.  

Sure Trump uses this division to his advantage. And Facebook makes it worse by providing a vehicle for the brainless and uninformed to spread lies that the foolish believe.

We are the disease - Trump is a symptom.

PS: I was once caught up in left wing news, but I finally got sick of the negativity and use of fear tactics. I am now trying to just stick to objective news sources now. If we don't start doing this, I am afraid the US will fall apart possibly resulting in US Civil War II.
